Terms and conditions Policy
This website is a gesture from Memoriespad. I termini “noi” and “nostro” inside the site if it refers to Memoriespad. Memoriespad offers you this website with all the information, gli strumenti and servizi in esso disponibili a condizione che tu, in qualità di utente, accetti tutti i termini, le condizioni, le informazioni e le avvertenze qui reportate.
Visiting our site and/or acquiring any of the following, you may use our “Service” and access the following terms and conditions (“Termini and condizioni del servizio”, “Termini”), including the terms and conditions, and The informative aggiuntive cited in this document and/or available procedure collegamento ipertestuale. I present the terms and conditions of the service if they apply to all users of the site, including exemplary titles and non-useful visitors, visitors, clients, merchants and/or authors of comments and other content.
Please note these terms and conditions of the service before accessing or using our website. By accessing or using any part of the site, access to these links is given to the present Termini and conditions of the service. If you do not fully access and terminate the conditions of this agreement, you will not be able to access the website and use its services. If the present Termini and conditions of the service are considered a proposal, the access is expressly limited to these Termini.
Eventually, new functions and tools will be added to all businesses and will be available at the end of the service period and conditions. You can consult the most recent version of the Terms and Conditions of the Service at any time on this page. We will serve the direction of the update, modify or replace any part of the terms and conditions of the service by publishing updates and/or modifications on our website. It is your responsibility to periodically check this page to see if any changes are present. The continuation of the use or access to the website with the publication of any modifications is equivalent to the accession of such modifications.
Our business is operated by Shopify Inc., which provides the online ecommerce platform to sell our products and services.
Accettando and presenti Termini and conditions of the service, say that at least the maggiore is in your state or province of residence, or that the maggiore is in the tuo state or province of residence and that you have been authorized to consent to qualsiasi minore sotto la tua responsabilità I will use this site.
Non-use of our products for illegal or non-authorized purposes may, in the use of the Service, violate any law in force in your regulation (including the purely exemplary title of the copyright law).
You are not allowed to spread worms, viruses or other types of dangerous codes.
The violation of a qualified provision of the Termini will result in the immediate cessation of your direct use and Services.
We serve the purpose of denying the service to children, for any reason and at any time.
Comprendi che i tuoi contenuti (ad eccezione dei data della carta di credito) possono essere transferiti in chiaro e implicano (a) trasmissioni su varie reti; and (b) modified to conform and adapt to the technical requirements of the device or the connection devices. The data on the credit card is always crittografati during the transfer of its withdrawal.
Accetti do not rip, duplicate, copy, sell, download or use any part of the Service, do not use the Service, access the Service or contact the website at any time and the quality of the service is provided without written authorization from the part. us.
The titles used in the present accordo are even only for convenience and non-limiteranno not influenced in any way and presenti Termini.
We will not be responsible in the event that the information available on this site does not result in being accurate, complete or updated. The material on this site is intended to be purely indicative and not subject to pressure or use as the only basis for making decisions without consulting sources of information for authoritative, accurate, complete or updated information. Facing confirmation of the information on this site and not assuming the information.
This site may contain some information about historical characters. The historical information, necessarily, is not current and is only fornite as reference. If we raise the contents of this site at any time, we do not need to access all the information needed to update any information on our site. It is your responsibility to monitor changes to our site.
The information on our products must be modified without prior notice.
If we raise the right to modify or interrupt the Service (or any part or content) without prior notice at any time.
We are not responsible for any confrontations between you and third parties for eventual modifications, price variations, suspensions or interruptions of the Service.
SECTION 5 - PRODOTTI O SERVIZI (if applicable)
All products and services may be available exclusively online through the website. Questi prodotti o servizi possono essere availabili in quantità limitede, ed essere soggetti a reso o sostituzione only on the basis of our Informativa su rimborsi e resi.
We make every effort possible to show colors and images of the products present in the business. We do not guarantee that the colors displayed on your computer are accurate.
We will serve you directly (also if we are not obliged to do so) to limit the sale of our products or services in comparison with the qualsiasi soggetto, geographical area or giurisdizione. We may exercise this discretion on a case-by-case basis. We must serve the purpose of limiting the quantity of products or services we offer. The descriptions and prices of the products may not be modified at any time without prior notice, at our sole discretion. We rise to serve the direction of interrupting at any time the sale of a qualified product. The sale of any product or service processed at this site is considered null and void if prohibited.
We do not guarantee the quality of the products, services, information or other materials that you have acquired or received so as to meet your expectations, nor are there any possible errors in the correct Service.
We rise to the right of rifiutare qualsiasi ordine ricevuto. At our sole discretion we may limit or annul the amount purchased per person, per family unit or per order. These restrictions may protect the effective order of the customer's account, with the latter's letter of credit and/or the order that uses the current indirizzo of the fatturazione and/o of the shipment. In case of modification or cancellation of an order, we may attempt to notify you by processing the email address, the invoice information or the telephone number provided at the time of the order. We raise the diritto dilimite o vietare ordini che a nostro insindacabile giudizio sembrino effettuati da grossisti, rivenditori o distributori.
Accetti di fornire informazioni updated, complete and accurate your acquisition and your account for all the acquisitions effective in our business. You can quickly update your account and other details, such as the indicated email, the number and the credit card information, so that we can complete the transaction and contact you if necessary.
For maggiori informazioni, consult our Informativa su rimborsi e resi.
We can provide access to third party instruments that do not monitor and do not allow any form of control or management.
Riconosci e accetti che forniamo l'accesso a tali strumenti ”così come sono” e ”come available”, without any type of warranty, warranty, condition or endorsement. We do not accept any liability arising from or relating to your use of third-party optional instruments.
Qualsiasi utilizzo de tua degli strumenti opzionali offersti atraverso il sito avverrà intermente a tuo rischio e discretion. We will assist you in knowing and approving the terms and conditions that are required for the third party instruments.
In the future we may also offer new services and/or functions on the website (ad example, introducing new tools and laughs). Also new functions and/or services will be provided at the present Termini and conditions of the service.
All contents, products and services available for processing our service may include material from third parties.
The third link from this site may be directed to the other website, which is not affiliated with us. We are not responsible for examining or valuing the contents of such website. We do not provide any warranty or liability for third party materials or websites or for other third party materials, products or services.
We will not be responsible for any eventuality of the information you have purchased or used for the goods, services, laughs, contents or any other transactions made on the third party website. Carefully examine the policy and procedure of third parties and ensure that the transaction is completed first. Reclami, richieste, dubbi and domande sui products di terze parti dovranno essere indirizzati ai terzi interessati.
Se ci vii online, via email, ordinary postal procedure or in another way determinati materiali (congiuntmente denominati “commenti”) — ad esempio, su nostra richiesta, contributi per la participazione a corsi, oppure senza una nostra richiesta, idee creative, suggestions, proposal, plan or other material — access that we can at any moment and without Limitations will be modified, copied, published, distributed, translated or used in any other way and with any comments and comments that have been transmitted. We do not abbiamo and do not avremo any obligation to (1) maintaine riservati i commenti; (2) I will pay compensation for my comments; or (3) respond to comments.
Potremo (without having any obligation to the riguardo) will monitor, modify and review the contents of our exclusive discretion and illicit, offensive, minacciosi, calunniosi, diffamatori, pornographic, osceni or altrimenti discutibili, or contents of the violin's intellectual property. qualsiasi part oi presenti Termini e condizioni del servizio.
Accetti should avoid comments that are given and addressed by third parties, through copyright, commercial marches, direct to privacy, personal and other real or personal addresses. Inoltre access of non-submitted comments that contain defamatory material or illegal, offensive or obscene content, oppure computer viruses or other malware that may compromise the functioning of the Service or any corresponding website. If you do not use a false email address, any other finger or other information may be sent to you or third party from the origin of any comments. You are the only one responsible for the comments you make and the accuracy of your comments. We do not assume and do not have any responsibility for eventual comments published in this or third part.
The submission of personal information to the business is regolato of our Informativa sulla privacy. Click here to view our privacy information.
Occasionally you may be presented on our site or in the Information Service containing typographical errors, errors and omissions due to product descriptions, prices, promotions, offers, shipping costs, delivery times or product availability. If we raise the address of correcting eventual errors, errors and omissions by modifying and updating the information or canceling the order, any information on the Service or its related website may be inaccurate, at any time (also when the order is sent) and without any prior notice.
We do not assume any obligation to update, correct or update the information on the Service or on any corresponding website, even without limitations on the information provided, except as provided in the law. Nessuna data di aggiornamento specificata nel Servizio or in qualsiasi sito web correlato dovrà essere interpreted as guarantee that all the information in nel Servizio or in qualsiasi sito web correlato siano state corrette e aggiornate.
Other parts of the service are stable and the terms and conditions of the service must be used on the site or in its contents:
(a) per scopi illegali; (b) per indurre altri a compiere o partecipare ad atti illeciti; (c) for violating international, federal, provincial or state laws and regulations, or local ordinances; (d) per ledere o violare i diritti di proprietà intellettuale nostri o di terzi; (e) to annoy, abuse, insult, harm, slander, slander, denigrate, intimidate or discriminate against anyone on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, country of origin or disability; (f) to provide false or false information;
(g) by detecting or transmitting viruses or any other type of harmful code that may influence the functionality of the Service, any corresponding website, any other website or internet; (h) to collect or monitor personal information from other users; (i) for spam, phishing, pharming, pretexting, spidering, crawling or scraping; (j) per qualsiasi scopo osceno or immorale; oppure (k) to intralciare or aggirare the functionality of the security of the Service or of any corresponding website, of the other website or of the internet. We must serve the purpose of interrupting your use of the Service or any corresponding website being violated if any of the provisions are prohibited.
We do not guarantee, assure or inform you that the use of our service will be continuous, timely, safe and free of errors.
We do not guarantee that the service will be accurate or reliable with the use of the service.
Turn on this so that we may occasionally suspend the service for indeterminate periods of time, or cancel the service at any time without prior notice.
Accetti expressmente che siano a tuo exclusivo rischio l'utilizzo e l'impossibilità de utilizzare il servizio. Il servizio e tutti i prodotti e servizi forniti tramite il servizio vengono (except when not expressly stated) offerti ”as they are” and ”come available” for the use of part of them, without said, guaranteed or condizioni di alcun type, express or implied, with any warranty implied or commercial conditions, commercial quality, suitability for a specific scope, durability, titolarità and protection against violations.
In no case Memoriespad and its administrators, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, appaltators, stagisti, fornitori, fornitori di servizi or concessori di licenza are not responsible for any prejudice, loss, claim or for a direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, damage. speciale or consequenziale di qualsiasi type — even without limitation of profit, loss of guarantee, risk of loss, loss of data, cost of sostituzione or other similar damages, in virtue of contract, civil wrong (also due to negligence), liability or other — derivative of use say one qualsiasi dei servizi or prodotti ottenuti utilizzando il servizio, né for any other claim relating to the use of the service or product, compresses, by way of exemplificativo but not esaustivo, eventuali errori or omissioni nei contenuti, perdite e danni de qualsiasi genere legati all'uso del servizio o di qualsiasi contenuto (or prodotto ) published, transmitted or reso altrimenti available through the service, even if you are informed of such eventualities.
Poiché alcuni stati or giurisdizioni non consentono l'exclusione or la limitation di responsabilità per danni conseguenti or incidentali, in such stati or giurisdizioni la nostra responsabilità sarà limita fino al limite massimo consentito dalla legge.
Access to laughter, information and ownership of Memories pad and its printed controllanti, controllate and affiliate, nonché i suoi partner, directori, amministratori, agenti, appaltatori, concessori di licenza, fornitori di servizi, subappaltatori, fornitori, stagisti e dipendenti da qualsiasi rivendicazione or richiesta, even le spese legali in misura ragionevole, advance the qualsiasi soggetto third and dovuta or derivante from your violation of the present Termini and conditions of the service or of the documenti in essi incorporati por riferimento, or from the violation of your qualsiasi legge or diritto di third parti.
In the event that a qualified provision of the present Termini and conditions of the service is illegal, void or inapplicable, such provision will be communicated to be applicable in the majority consent of the current law and the inapplicable part will be considered excised from the present Termini and conditions of the service, without prejudice per the validity and application of the valid devices.
Gli obblighi e le responsabilità assunti dalle prima della data di cessazione sopravvivranno a tutti gli effetti alla resolution of the present agreement.
I presenti Termini and conditions of the service will be effective fine to the recesso of your or our part. We will resolve and present the Termination and conditions of the service at any time informing you that you do not wish to use our Services, or interrupt the use of our site.
Inoltre, if we insindacabile giudizio your violi or suspect that there was violato a qualsiasi disposizione dei presenti Termini e condizioni del servizio, we can solve the present accordo at qualsiasi moment without advance notice and your resterai responsabile for all the somme dovute fine all the data of cessazione even ; In this case we may deny access to the Service (or any part of it).
Il mancato exercise or application of any diritto or disposition of the present Termini and conditions of the service will not constitute a waiver of such diritto or disposition.
I presenti Termini e condizioni del servizio e le eventuali informativa o regole operative pubblicate da noi su questo sito o in relation to the Servizio costituiscono l'intero agreemento e intesa tra te e noi e disciplinano l'utilizzo del Servizio da parte tua, sustaining qualsiasi agreemento , communication and antecedent or contemporary proposals, whether oral or scritta, tra te e noi (even, without limitations, eventual previous versions of the Terms and conditions of the service).
Eventual ambiguity in the interpretation of the present Terms and conditions of the service is not to be interpreted against the writing party.
I present Termini and conditions of the service and gli eventuali accordi separati on the basis of the quali ti forniamo and Servizi saranno regolati and interpretati in accordance with the current legislation in Carrer dels Sants Màrtirs Abdó i Senèn 12580 Benicarló CS Spagna.
You can consult the updated version of the terms and conditions of the service at any time on this page.
We rise directly to our exclusive discretion to update, modify or replace any part of the present Terms and conditions of the service by publishing updates and modifications on our website. It is your responsibility to periodically check the presence of modifications on our website. The continuation of the use or access to the website or the Service dopo the publication of any modifications at the present Termini and conditions of the service costituisce accettazione of such modifications.
Eventuali domande relative to the Terms and conditions of the service dovranno esserci inviate all'indirizzo memoriesspad@gmail.com.